Little Listeners - KidsPod Approved Podcasts for Toddlers

I've had a few requests for podcast recommendations for our littlest of listeners: the 5 and under crowd. Although my youngest is now 5, he was usually forced to listen to whatever shows his older brothers were into (although he seemed just as entertained!).

So I did a little digging for new shows that might be great for little ones. But I need your help since I don't have little testers at home anymore! Let me know if you give these a try!

Sesame Street Podcast

If you have an Elmo fan, these short clips and songs taken from some favorite Sesame Street Episodes could be a great distraction in the car or when you'd rather not have their eyes on a screen.

Goodnight, World!

This collaboration with HeadSpace could be a great addition to your toddler's bedtime routine. (Side note: my oldest was attached to his Elmo stuffy for years -- makes me wish these were available 10 years ago!)

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

Slightly longer stories (25-30 min), but one of the most-loved story podcasts.

Short Stories for Kids: The Magical Podcast of Story Telling

Averaging 10 minutes in length, Short Stories for Kids has entertaining narration, sounds and music.

Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (US)

When my boys were little, their favorite car-ride music was the Thomas soundtrack. They would have loved these episodes! All the familiar and well-loved voices and sounds from the show.

Blue's Clues & You: Story Time with Josh & Blue

Love that this has the same interactive format as the original show.

Molly of Denali

One of our favorite PBS shows and super fun to listen to the podcast version! Listen from oldest to newest if you kids are able to follow along with story details -- it's a serialized format with each episode making up a chapter of the bigger story.

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.

Fans of Netflix Jr can now listen to their favorite characters for bedtime stories (or nap in the car stories?).

Noodle Loaf - Music Education Podcast for Kids

Such a fun show for on the go or when you want to have some music time or dance parties with your kids. It's like having a professional early childhood music educator come give private lessons in your living room. So cool!

Julie’s Library

I mean, do I even need to say anything about this one?! Who wouldn't want Julie Andrews to read to them??

Hank the Cowdog

This one is ridiculously cute. Matthew McConaughey and other Hollywood stars lend their talents to these tales of courage, loyalty and friendship on a Texas cattle ranch.

Like You: Mindfulness for Kids

I've listened to these episodes with my littles before bedtime when we need a physical transition before bedtime (in order to have a wrestle-free bedtime story haha). Love the affirmations!

And lastly, this one isn't a podcast, but was our favorite music when my boys were little. Casper Babypants (aka Chris Ballew from the band Presidents of the United States of America) is the BEST. You can find his albums on KidsPod!


We have conveniently hand-curated a perfect Preschoolers Listening Playlist for an easy way to dive into the power of audio for children. Playlists are a special feature in the KidsPod Plus subscription that will provide expertly chosen Podcast episodes that will guarantee to entertain and educate.


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