Celebrate World Kindness Day!

Happy World Kindness Day!

Podcasts are the perfect way to encourage kindness! We want to make it was easy as possible to share stories of kindness with your family so we’ve created a “World Kindness Day” playlist- FREE on the KidsPod home screen for everyone who downloads the KidsPod app. Coming Soon!!

You’ll find a playlist that's just brimming with heartwarming stories, sweet tales, and incredible acts of kindness. It's like a treasure chest of good vibes, ready to spark those warm and fuzzy feelings in your little ones. So go ahead, dive into the app, and let the kindness journey begin – because the world could always use a little more of that magic! 🌟💕

World Kindness Day was born when a group of humanitarians came together and made a “Declaration of Kindness”. It is a day to share random acts of compassion by helping others and your community.

Compassion for others binds us together, and kindness helps bridge the gap between race, religion, gender, and politics. Kindness provides a common language.

Kindness not only affects others, but it impacts us as well. Being kind has a positive effect on our mental health and physical well-being. It encourages healthy child development and positive social dynamics. Simply put, being kind makes us happy.

1. Start with being kind to yourself.

Take care of yourself. Get some sleep, exercise, take a break. Whatever will help you function better as a person, allow yourself that time.

2. Be kind as a family.

Spend time together, have family dinners, educate your children about the world around them and the struggles others face.

3. And be kind to your community.

Give back in some small way. Volunteer, help your neighbor, support local.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless.”

- Mother Teresa


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